How will “The Big Switch off” affect Small Businesses?

How will “The Big Switch off” affect Small Businesses?

I’m sure every business owner has had plenty of people calling or sending them information about this “Big switch off”. But, when you’re focussed on survival, you’re not going to be thinking about something taking place in three years’ time. Now it has become a...
Tip of the month: Password Guidance

Tip of the month: Password Guidance

You should NEVER use both your email address and email password for a login to any other site or service. this can allow cybercriminals to be able to change the username and passwords of these accounts. Use complex passwords: takemymoney This password...
Tip of the month: Spotting A Spoof Email

Tip of the month: Spotting A Spoof Email

You may receive a seemingly innocuous email asking you for information from a known supplier or customer, it may even become a back-and-forth email exchange… with harmless information being exchanged, This is to build trust and familiarity, before requesting...