Mobile device security best practices will protect sensitive data contained on mobile devices. The following advisories are applicable to both personal use and business devices.

User Authentication

Lost or stolen mobile devices pose a great risk for companies. Smartphones and Tablets offer three ways of user authentication:

  • Passwords
  • PINs
  • Biometrics (fingerprint or face recognition)

Furthermore, implemented passwords or biometrics should be followed up with continuous employee education regarding the importance of user authentication.

Regularly update your mobile devices and apps

Every mobile OS or Application update contains security patches that resolve known vulnerabilities. Make sure to turn on automatic updates and manually check if your OS and installed applications are up to date.

Avoid public Wi-Fi

Think twice before hitting connect in your local cafe. A hacker newbie can easily set up a fake Wi-Fi (network spoofing) or intercept the data flowing through a public network. In cases when there are no other options, connecting to your company’s VPN would strengthen the security measures.

Introduce Password Managers

Don’t store your user credentials on unprotected apps. Use a password manager instead. It’s basically a book of all of your passwords, stored in a single location, protected by a ”master” password. It also allows you to generate secure passwords and save yourself from choosing passwords like ”password123” .

Don't forget the Backup

If your mobile device is lost or stolen you’ll want a way to access the lost data, to protect yourself, choose a Cloud Backup solution that performs Backup automatically.

Use Encryption

Encrypt the data stored on and flowing in and out of your mobile device. VPN is a good solution for connections.

Block untrustworthy mobile apps

Among the common mobile security best practices is the advice only to download mobile apps from the official app marketplaces; Google Play Store for Android, and App Store for iOS..


Clearly communicate mobile device best practices and their importance to your employees, regardless if you’re a small business or an enterprise, mobile device security best practices should be clearly communicated.
