Moon Computers Ltd receives Make it Wild badge by offsetting 50 tonnes of CO2e.
The climate change conversation has been growing in recent years, as many are now starting to see first-hand, the effects of society’s impact on the natural world. One of the main driving forces in climate change is the immense amount of energy required to keep our digital lives running. Not only the power to run our devices, but their manufacture, shipping and how we dispose of them too – not to mention the carbon produced running a technology business!
The only way we can mitigate these effects and drive down the 351 million tonnes of CO2 the UK produces each year, is by supporting eco-friendly programs that take small steps to help the natural world recover in a sustainable way. So, when Mooncomputers heard about the work Make It Wild was doing, and how they’re on track to have planted 40,000 trees by the end of this year, we decided we had to be a part of it.
After reaching out and getting to know the owners, Helen and Christopher Neave, we committed to offsetting our ecological impact (50 tonnes of CO2e) and our trees were planted in Bank Woods, Summerbridge on 3rd February 2021.
This is something that we will commit to doing each and every year, so we can be proud of our operation, not only because of the quality of our IT and Telecoms solutions and the high level of service we provide to our customers, but because we’re supporting the ecological recovery of our environment.

Mooncomputers recognises the need for businesses to respect the environment and ensure a carbon a neutral footprint. It’s the only way we can ensure a robust, healthy world for generations to come.
We invite any individual, business or charity to check out their website and see the great work they are doing! They’ve also got volunteering opportunities and an online shop, which are certainly worth a look, especially for businesses looking to give back to their community.