Put simply, the amount of data that can be received or sent per second, through your internet connection. Many factors can affect your Bandwidth, such as time of day, distance from the exchange and the number of devices...
Data backups are a carbon copy of your computer, Server or other data-holding devices, so that should the worst happen and you experience a problem, you have a second copy of all the information that was on the...
The Availability of your internet connection is the percentage of time it’s online and accessible and would drop below 100% if you experience an internet outage. Most internet provider guarantee at least 99%...
When you’re using your computer, you’re using applications or ‘apps’. These are the software products you use to complete specific tasks, like word processing, video calling or managing your customer...
Instead of saving data or applications to the physical device in front f you, you can save it to the Cloud; an internet-connected storage device, usually within a large Datacentre, that you can access from wherever you have an internet...